Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation .
Aileen is a trained and experienced community stakeholder engagement professional. She plans and delivers programs using the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) framework. Mellor Murray has delivered both in-person and online consultation plans for multi-stakeholder groups, using a variety of techniques and formats to keep participants active and engaged. Commonly used tools for online consultation includes Zoom, Mentimeter, Google Jamboards and SurveyMonkey.
Select Projects:
Case Study.
Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bioeconomy (CRIBE), Visioning Facilitation (2021)
Mellor Murray Consulting led the Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy (CRIBE) through a detailed process to discuss and ultimately establish the vision for the future of the Ontario-based non-profit organization. The CRIBE board consists of members with significant industry expertise and skill sets representing the forestry industry, chemical industry, banking, economic development, northern development, manufacturing and senior levels of government. The assignment included pre-workshop interviews with all board members, pre-workshop briefing note, a full day visioning workshop, interim report and a subsequent half day workshop to develop and confirm the board’s vision, mission and desired outcomes in four strategic priority areas.